Archbishop’s Appeal

Why Give
The Archbishop’s Appeal for Ministries is a community effort that seeks to support the lives of people across the Archdiocese of San Antonio.

On behalf of Archbishop Gustavo, we invite you and your family to participate in this year’s Archbishop’s Appeal for Shared Ministries by offering a sacrificial gift. Let us journey together to financially support the formation of priests and deacons who will serve our parish soon. Your financial support helps prepare lay leaders to serve as catechists, chaplains, and lectors. It offers a Catholic education to families in need. It broadcasts televised Masses and helps expand our reach through other digital media. Your financial support to this Appeal will share Christ’s love as it feeds, clothes, shelters, and cares for the most vulnerable. All these shared ministries, our ministries support our neighbors in need and further the mission of the Catholic Church. Our parish goal is full participation. To accomplish this, we need your support. Every family should participate by making a gift to this appeal. Any gift, any amount will make a difference in somebody’s life. I invite you to pray and find it in your heart to make a sacrificial gift to this year’s Appeal.