Beyond Cana
Beyond Cana offers the time and tools to restore and strengthen marriages – with God and His direction for us at the center. This 2½ day retreat is designed to enrich the marriages of couples who want to focus on the communication, respect, love, and intimacy that are so integral to a good marriage. A blend of spiritual and practical talks, reflection, and prayer are combined with useful tools designed to improve communication and your relationship with your spouse — even if it’s good now. All of this is done from a Catholic perspective, with an understanding that marriage is a sacrament.
Each couple is given time alone to discuss issues important to their marriage and their relationship. No one will observe or interfere with each couple’s time alone. Nor will you be required to share any of your discussions. Spiritual time is interspersed throughout the weekend — time for reflection, forgiveness, and sharing the Word of God. Both nights on the weekend are just for the two of you. They are “date nights” where you are allowed the time to only have eyes for each other.
The Details
Beyond Cana begins promptly at 10:00AM on Friday morning (November 15) at Camp Capers in Waring, Texas, and ends Sunday (November 17) with the 11:30 AM Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. After each day’s sessions, couples will be free to go on a “date night” at nearby restaurants. On Sunday, we will depart from Camp Capers around 9:45AM to go to SEAS for the 11:00AM mass.
The Cost
The cost to attend is $350 per couple. A $150 deposit will hold your reservation. Deadline to register and make payment in full is November 8, 2024. Scholarships are also available. The price includes lodging for two nights at Camp Capers, breakfast and lunch, and all retreat materials. You will be on your own for dinner each evening.
“I had heard Beyond Cana was ‘the best thing we could have done for our marriage.’ I thought ‘enriching maybe, but the best thing?’ Well, Beyond Cana WAS the best thing we have ever done for our marriage!”
“We needed something spiritually uplifting, but at the same time, something concrete and visual from which to work. Beyond Cana met both those goals.”
“It was our 12th anniversary! What a gift to give us–to spend it with God and ourselves!”
“As a busy couple with three kids, the best part of the weekend was taking time together to really focus on our marriage. By seeing how much we were able to draw out openly, candidly and spiritually, I believe we realized how important this regular exercise is for us and our marriage.”