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Confirmation Program Details

Welcome to an exciting and important part of your teen’s life as they prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ!

The gift of the Spirit at Confirmation strengthens us for ongoing service in the Body of Christ, in the Church, and in the world.

Purpose is a transformative approach to confirmation. Multiple components combine an impactful curriculum with a powerful digital tool to enhance the process. The Purpose curriculum is 24 sessions with a heavy focus on evangelizing young people and accompanying them as they become disciples.

The Purpose curriculum is more than just a resource. It is a whole new approach to sacramental preparation.  SEAS offers a one-year Confirmation Program.

Confirmation Retreat: All Confirmation students are required to attend a Confirmation retreat prior to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. 

A copy of your child’s Baptism and Holy Eucharist certificate is required, and families must be registered with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton to enroll in Confirmation Classes.

Students in 9th-12th grades can begin preparation for the Sacrament.
Confirmation Class & Mass
Sunday 4:00pm-6:00pm

For more information contact:

Luis Ramirez 