Blessing Boxes are Back!

Each year our SEAS community assembles and delivers 200 Blessing Boxes to senior citizens at the Ascension DePaul Center on the southside of town for distribution at their annual Christmas party. Each box contains five essential hygiene items, such as shampoo and soap, as well as a pair of gloves, socks, a rosary, and a blessing. We purchase the hygiene items to assure quality and consistency, and do so through your monetary donations.
If you would like to support this special cause, please leave a check made out to SEAS with Blessing Boxes in the memo line, or place cash in one of the white envelopes, also marked with Blessing Boxes.
This year we will be packing and delivering the boxes on Friday, November 22nd as their Christmas distribution is scheduled for December 3rd.
Thank you for all the support you have given this project all these years. It brings much Christmas joy to some very grateful seniors.